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Let’s rate some annoying ads!

11 Mar

Come on, I know at least some people are visiting the site, so let’s start rating the ads! Right now the McDonald’s Caramel Mocha hand dance commercial is the leader with a 5 annoyance rating, but that could just be because people are scared to voice their true feelings. If you think an ad is annoying, just click the “thumbs up” under the post title. If you actually like the ad for some reason, you can give it a “thumbs down”, meaning you didn’t find it annoying. Now let’s start rating some annoying ads!

Twitter account up and running

25 Feb

follow me on twitterJust wanted to let everyone know that I got a Twitter account up and running…a somewhat mandatory step after setting up a blog 🙂 Anyways, stop over and check it out. You’ll find me retweeting other people’s complaints about annoying ads in between my own.

Vote on the most annoying ads

24 Feb

I’ve added a new feature to the blog, where you can rate each annoying ad with a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”. The idea is that if you also find the commercial annoying, you give it a “thumbs up” and it will be ranked on the sidebar as potentially the most annoying ad of all time. Give it a try!

Welcome to Annoying Ads

23 Feb

Just wanted a spot to voice my opinion about the extremely annoying ads that we are forced to endure while attempting to watch our regularly scheduled programming each week. Feel free to comment, either in agreement or disagreement…either way the ads will still be annoying to me!